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New Online Scholarship Application Form Coming Soon!

Scholarship Types

There are two types of scholarships:

  1. Original Scholarships – Available to any student enrolled in a participating school.
  2. Overflow Scholarships – Available to students who meet one of these criteria:
    • Transferred from a public school (after attending for at least 90 days)
    • A preschooler with disabilities receiving special services
    • A kindergartner (age 5 by Dec. 31 of that school year)
    • A dependent of an active-duty military member stationed in Arizona
    • Previously homeschooled or moved to Arizona from another state
    • Participated in the ESA program but switched to tax credit scholarships
    • Previously received an Overflow or Corporate scholarship and stayed in private school

If your student qualifies, we’ll need a verification form to confirm eligibility.

How to Apply

  • Submit a Scholarship Application for each child enrolled in a participating school.
  • Applications must be renewed each school year and expire on May 31.

Award Process

  • Scholarships are awarded four times per year based on:
    1. Financial need (required by law)
    2. The student’s application narrative
    3. Donor recommendations (while helpful, they do not guarantee a scholarship)